
Try It Out -- Chapter 4, Lesson 1

Numeric Response
Use mental math.


10 + 40 = ____.



29 + 21 = ____.



29 + 32 = ____.



28 + 52 = ____.



65 + 25 = ____.



39 + 52 = ____.

Use mental math to solve these problems.


There are 28 student on school bus #1, and 42 students on school bus #2. How many students are there on both buses?



There are 29 lockers on the left side of the school hall, and 32 on the right side. How many lockers are there altogether?



Samson is 18 years old. His uncle is 31 years older. How old is Samson’s uncle?



Patsy has 43 cents and Igor has 48 cents. How much money do they have altogether?


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