
Try It Out -- Chapter 7, Lesson 4

Numeric Response


How many lines of symmetry are in a hexagon?



How many lines of symmetry are in a isosceles triangle?


Sylvia is looking for lines of symmetry in an equilateral triangle. Order the steps that Sylvia uses to describe how she found the lines of symmetry.
There are 3 ways to fold the triangle from corner to corner.
To check for other lines of symmetry, Sylvia folds the corner to the centre of the opposite side. That didn’t work.
Sylvia concludes there are 3 lines of symmetry.
Sylvia traces the triangle and cuts it out.


What is Sylvia’s first step?


What is Sylvia’s second step?


What is Sylvia’s third step?


What is Sylvia’s final step?
KeeKee is looking for lines of symmetry in a parallelogram. Order the steps that KeeKee uses to describe how she found the lines of symmetry.
KeeKee checks for other lines of symmetry, she folds the parallelogram from side to side. That does not work.
She finds there are no lines of symmetry in a parallelogram. There are no lines that divide the shape in half, so that if you fold the shape on the line the halves match.
KeeKee traces the parallelogram and cuts it out.
KeeKee folds the parallelogram from corner to corner. That does not work.


What is KeeKee’s first step?


What is KeeKee’s second step?


What is KeeKee’s third step?


What is KeeKee’s final step?

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